Install Commvault Simpana File System iDataAgent on CentOS 6

We are going to install a UNIX File System iDataAgent on CentOS 6 from an ISO file (interactive install).


Software used in this article:

  1. CentOS 6.6
  2. Simpana_9_DVD03_UNIX_06042013.iso
  3. linux_9_SP14_01302014.tar.gz (SP14 for Simpana)


Create a new simpana group:

# groupadd simpana

Mount Simpana iso file:

# mkdir /mnt/dvd
# mount -o loop ./Simpana_9_DVD03_UNIX_06042013.iso /mnt/dvd
# cd /mnt/dvd

Run the following command:

# ./cvpkgadd

Accept the licence agreement and proceed further:

Do you accept the terms of this license agreement? yes
1) Install data protection agents on this computer
2) Advanced options
3) Exit this menu

Your choice: [1]
1) Install on a physical machine
2) Install on a virtual machine
3) Exit this menu

Your choice: [1]
Physical Machine Host Name: [web01.vb.local]
Physical Machine Client Name: [web01]
Please select the Simpana module(s) that you would like to install.

 [X]  1) UNIX File System iDataAgent              [1101] [CVGxIDA]
 [ ]  2) MediaAgent                               [1301] [CVGxMA]
 [ ]  3) ProxyHost iDataAgent                     [1102] [CVGxProxyIDA]
 [ ]  4) Documentum iDataAgent                    [1126] [CVGxDctmIDA]
 [ ]  5) Oracle iDataAgent                        [1204] [CVGxOrIDA]
 [ ]  6) SAP for Oracle                           [1205] [CVGxOrSAP]
 [ ]  7) SAP for MaxDB                            [1206] [CVGxSAPMAXDB]
 [ ]  8) Informix iDataAgent                      [1201] [CVGxIfIDA]
 [ ]  9) Sybase iDataAgent                        [1202] [CVGxSybIDA]
 [ ] 10) DB2 iDataAgent                           [1207] [CVGxDB2]
 [ ] 11) MySQL iDataAgent                         [1208] [CVGxMySQL]
 [ ] 12) PostGres iDataAgent                      [1209] [CVGxPostGres]
 [ ] 13) Lotus Notes Database iDataAgent          [1051] [CVGxLndbIDA]
      >) >>>>>>>>>>>>   NEXT PAGE   >>>>>>>>>>>>

[a=all n=none r=reverse     q=quit d=done     >=next <=previous     ?=help] Enter number(s)/one of "a,n,r,q,d,>,<,?" here: d
Do you want to configure the iDataAgent for laptop or desktop backups? [no]
Do you want to install the agents for restore only without consuming licenses? [no]
1) Download from the software provider website.
2) Use the one in the installation media.
3) Use the copy I already have by entering its unix path.

Your choice: [1] 2
Installation Directory: [/opt]
Log Directory: [/var/log]
Would you like to assign a specific group to Simpana? [yes]
Group name:  simpana
Copying binaries ...
Installing Updates from installation media ...

Port Number for CVD   : [8400]
Port Number for EvMgrC: [8402]
Is there a firewall between this client and the CommServe? [no]
CommServe Host Name: commvault01.vb.local
1) Use Cell level policy
2) Always use Global filters
3) Do not use Global filters

Please select how to set the Global Filters for the default subclient? [1]
Client Group(s) is currently configured on CommServe commvault01.vb.local
Please choose the group(s) that you want to add this client
web01.vb.local to.

 [X]  1) All VM Backups
 [ ]  2) All VM Backups Database Servers
 [ ]  3) Database Servers
 [X]  4) Firewalled Machines
 [ ]  5) Media Agents Cloud
 [ ]  6) Media Agents DR

[a=all n=none r=reverse     q=quit d=done     >=next <=previous     ?=help] Enter number(s)/one of "a,n,r,q,d,>,<,?" here:
Please select one storage policy for this IDA from the list below:

1) SP1_3Months_Database
2) SP2_6Months_Database
3) SP3_1Year_Archive
4) SP4_Databases
>) >>>>>>>>>>>>   NEXT PAGE   >>>>>>>>>>>>

Storage Policy: [5]
Install Latest Service Pack
Installing Updates from installation media ...

Now you have a choice of either adding another package to the existing
installation or configure Simpana on a virtual machine for use in a cluster.

1) Add another package to web01(web01.vb.local)
2) Install Simpana on a virtual machine
3) Exit this menu

Your choice: [1] 3

Check Simpana status:

# simpana status
----------- Instance001 ------------
[ General ]
 Version = 9.0.0(BUILD84)
 CommServe = commvault01.vb.local
 Home Directory = /opt/simpana/Base
 Log Directory = /var/log/simpana/Log_Files
 Core Directory = /opt/simpana
 Temp Directory = /opt/simpana/Base/Temp
 Platform Type = 4
[ Service CVD ]
 Cvd Port Number = 8400
 Buffer Numbers = 30
 Buffer Size = 64
 Message Size = 64
 Max Buffer Numbers = 30
 Alocation Timeout = 5000
 Kill Timeout = 5000
 Keep Alive Interval = 30
[ Service EvMgrC ]
 EvMgrC Port Number = 8402
[ Firewall ]
 Client Bind Timeout = *120*
[ Session ]
 Attach Timeout = 120
 Preferred IP Family = 1
 Enable Retry for SendMessage = 0
 Retry Count = 40
 Retry Interval = 30
 Version = 9.0.0(BUILD84)
 Home Directory = /opt/simpana/iDataAgent
[ Virtual Machines ]
 Display Name = web01
  - Client Hostname = web01.vb.local
  - Job Results Directory = /opt/simpana/iDataAgent/jobResults

Update service pack to v14:

# mkdir ./S14
# tar xf ./linux_9_SP14_01302014.tar.gz -C ./S14
# cd ./S14
# ./InstallUpdates

Running with nice

In virtualised environments where dedicated CPUs are not allocated, backup jobs may result in high CPU usage on production servers.

To optimise the CPU usage on production servers, set the appropriate priority for the backup jobs using the dNICEVALUE registry key to restrict allocation of all the available CPU resources to a specific backup job.

Open /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001/Base/.properties for editing and add the following line:



Error #1

*** Received CommServe Software Install Manager Error 67109598 : *** Failed to update client information in the database.

Connect to the CV server, open CV GUI, and check if you can see the VM here.

If you don’t see it initially in the GUI, please check in Control Panel on the CV Console under User Preferences, then Show Virtual Server Discovered Clients to see if it shows up in the GUI. If it does, then delete the VM and re-try the install.


Error #2

It appears that another instance of Galaxy Install/Uninstall is already running.

Kill the existing simpana process and remove the lock:

# rm /opt/simpana/Updates/temp/GalaxyUpdate.lock


Error #3

Files failed to back up:
/cluster/my.cnf Lock test failed

It is recommended that you skip-detect locked files and continue with the backup whenever a Unix File System iDataAgent is backing up files on an NFS server that fails to get locks on these files. To do this, you must create and use the SSKIPLOCKF registry key.

# tail -n1 /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001/FileSystemAgent/.properties

Error #4

While configuring a MySQL agent:

Invalid MySQL User Name and Password

Workaround for a known bug:

# cd /opt/simpana/Base
# mv
# /etc/init.d/Galaxy restart

Error #5

*** There is already another simpana running.

Remove the lock:

# rm -f /tmp/.lock_Galaxy

