Active/Passive Cluster With Pacemaker, Corosync and DRBD on CentOS 7: Part 1 – Cluster Installation

The following is part 1 of a 4 part series that will go over an installation and configuration of Pacemaker, Corosync, Apache, DRBD and a VMware STONITH agent.

The aim here is to build an active/passive Pacemaker cluster with Apache and DRBD. Continue reading

Setting up a Load-Balancing HAProxy Cluster with Keepalived

We will be setting up a load balancer using two main technologies to monitor cluster members and cluster services: Keepalived and HAProxy. Keepalived uses LVS to perform load balancing and failover tasks on active and passive LVS routers, while HAProxy performs load balancing and high-availability services to TCP and HTTP applications. Continue reading