Install Kubecost to Help Optimise Kubernetes Applications

Resource and cost allocation should be a starting point before optimising Kubernetes applications.

Revision history (dd/mm/yy):

27/11/2021 – updated the article to include Kubecost findings and recommendations.

Why Kubecost?

Our homelab runs on dedicated hardware, therefore there is no Cloud provider cost involved in order to run it.

The cost of electricity is all there is to it. The average homelab power consumption is approximatelly 80W.

Monthly, this works out as follows: (((80W * 24h) / 1000) * £0.16/kWh * 365days) / 12months = £9.34 (~13$).

So why Kubecost?

It would be interesting to see monthly homelab cluster costs had it been deployed on AWS.

It would also be useful to understand whether Kubernetes applications can be optimised. There will almost always be resources that are over-provisioned. By factoring in Kubecost metrics as part of deployment process, it should be possible to leverage those insights to reduce over-provisioned Kubernetes infrastructure.


We are using our Kubernetes homelab in this article.

Prometheus deployment instructions can be found here. MetalLB deployment instructions can be found here.

Configuration files used in this article can be found on GitHub.

Create Node Labels

Kubecost uses labels to calculate an infrastructure health score.

Set a label for instance type. This would normally be set by default if we were using a Cloud provider. Since we aren’t, we can set it manually to match our instance types to those of AWS.

  1. c5a.large – 2 CPU cores, 4GB of RAM. These resources are allocated to our control planes.
  2. m5a.large – 2 CPU cores, 8GB of RAM. These resources are allocated to our worker nodes.

Apply labels:

kubectl label no --overwrite srv31
kubectl label no --overwrite srv32
kubectl label no --overwrite srv33
kubectl label no --overwrite srv34
kubectl label no --overwrite srv35
kubectl label no --overwrite srv36

Set a label for zone. A zone represents a logical failure domain. Zone names can be anything, for the sake of this excercise we’re going to match those of AWS. In our case the following logical failure domains can be identified:

  1. kvm1.hl.test host – zone eu-west-2a,
  2. kvm2.hl.test host – zone eu-west-2b,
  3. kvm3.hl.test host – zone eu-west-2c.

Apply labels:

kubectl label no --overwrite srv31
kubectl label no --overwrite srv32
kubectl label no --overwrite srv33
kubectl label no --overwrite srv34
kubectl label no --overwrite srv35
kubectl label no --overwrite srv36

kubectl label no --overwrite srv31
kubectl label no --overwrite srv32
kubectl label no --overwrite srv33
kubectl label no --overwrite srv34
kubectl label no --overwrite srv35
kubectl label no --overwrite srv36

Set a label for region. A region represents a larger domain, made up of one or more zones. In our case we have three zones (three KVM hypervisors), but only a single region (all hypervisors are hosted in the same homelab). Region names can be anything, for the sake of this excercise we’re going to use eu-west-2, which is an AWS region for Europe (London).

kubectl label no --overwrite srv31
kubectl label no --overwrite srv32
kubectl label no --overwrite srv33
kubectl label no --overwrite srv34
kubectl label no --overwrite srv35
kubectl label no --overwrite srv36

kubectl label no --overwrite srv31
kubectl label no --overwrite srv32
kubectl label no --overwrite srv33
kubectl label no --overwrite srv34
kubectl label no --overwrite srv35
kubectl label no --overwrite srv36

Install Kubecost Using Helm

The Kubecost helm chart includes all dependencies required to get the service up and running.

Add Helm Repository

Helm client (version 3) required.

$ helm repo add kubecost

Deploy Kubecost

Create kubecost namespace:

$ kubectl create namespace kubecost

We are going to integrate Kubecost with the following existing homelab services: TrueNAS, Prometheus and node exporter. We have to do the following:

  1. Set prometheus.enabled to false,
  2. Set prometheus.nodeExporter.enabled to false,
  3. Set prometheus.fqdn parameter to match our local Prometheus service address,
  4. Set persistentVolume.storageClass to freenas-nfs-csi,
  5. Configure our Prometheus to scrape the cost-model /metrics endpoint,
  6. Add Prometheus recording rules to enable certain Kubecost features.


$ helm upgrade --install kubecost kubecost/cost-analyzer \
  --namespace kubecost \
  --set global.prometheus.enabled=false \
  --set global.prometheus.fqdn="http://prometheus-service.monitoring.svc:9090" \
  --set global.grafana.enabled=true \
  --set kubecostModel.imagePullPolicy="IfNotPresent" \
  --set kubecostFrontend.imagePullPolicy="IfNotPresent" \
  --set networkCosts.enabled=true \
  --set networkCosts.imagePullPolicy="IfNotPresent" \
  --set persistentVolume.enabled=true \
  --set persistentVolume.size="10Gi" \
  --set persistentVolume.storageClass="freenas-nfs-csi" \
  --set prometheus.nodeExporter.enabled=false \
  --set prometheus.server.persistentVolume.enabled=false

Create LoadBalancer Service

Create a file kubecost-service.yaml and add the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kubecost-service
  namespace: kubecost
    app: cost-analyzer
    app: cost-analyzer
  type: LoadBalancer
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 9090

This will create a LoadBalancer type service (which uses MetalLB) to expose Kubecost to the network:

$ git clone
$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes-homelab/kubernetes/helm/kubecost/kubecost-service.yaml

Kubecost should be deployed:

$ kubectl get svc -n kubecost
NAME                          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
kubecost-cost-analyzer        ClusterIP   none          9001/TCP,9003/TCP,9090/TCP   2d18h
kubecost-grafana              ClusterIP    none          80/TCP                       2d4h
kubecost-kube-state-metrics   ClusterIP   none          8080/TCP                     2d18h
kubecost-service              LoadBalancer    80:31527/TCP                 12d

The frontend can be accessed by visiting the LoadBalancer external IP.

Update Prometheus Configuration for Kubecost

Add the following to Prometheus ConfigMap file prometheus-config-map.yml to configure Prometheus to scrape the cost-model /metrics endpoint:

      # Scrape the cost-model /metrics endpoint.
      - job_name: 'kubecost'
        honor_labels: true
        scrape_interval: 1m
        scrape_timeout: 10s
        metrics_path: /metrics
        scheme: http
        - names:
          - kubecost-cost-analyzer.kubecost
          type: 'A'
          port: 9003

Also add Prometheus recording rules (see here):

    - name: CPU
      - expr: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!=""}[5m]))
        record: cluster:cpu_usage:rate5m
      - expr: rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!=""}[5m])
        record: cluster:cpu_usage_nosum:rate5m
      - expr: avg(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="POD", container_name!=""}[5m])) by (container_name,pod_name,namespace)
        record: kubecost_container_cpu_usage_irate
      - expr: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container_name!="POD",container_name!=""}) by (container_name,pod_name,namespace)
        record: kubecost_container_memory_working_set_bytes
      - expr: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container_name!="POD",container_name!=""})
        record: kubecost_cluster_memory_working_set_bytes
    - name: Savings
      - expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind!="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_cpu_allocation) by (pod))
        record: kubecost_savings_cpu_allocation
          daemonset: "false"
      - expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_cpu_allocation) by (pod)) / sum(kube_node_info)
        record: kubecost_savings_cpu_allocation
          daemonset: "true"
      - expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind!="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_memory_allocation_bytes) by (pod))
        record: kubecost_savings_memory_allocation_bytes
          daemonset: "false"
      - expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_memory_allocation_bytes) by (pod)) / sum(kube_node_info)
        record: kubecost_savings_memory_allocation_bytes
          daemonset: "true"
      - expr: label_replace(sum(kube_pod_status_phase{phase="Running",namespace!="kube-system"} > 0) by (pod, namespace), "pod_name", "$1", "pod", "(.+)")
        record: kubecost_savings_running_pods
      - expr: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="",container_name!="POD",instance!=""}[5m])) by (namespace, pod_name, container_name, instance)
        record: kubecost_savings_container_cpu_usage_seconds
      - expr: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container_name!="",container_name!="POD",instance!=""}) by (namespace, pod_name, container_name, instance)
        record: kubecost_savings_container_memory_usage_bytes
      - expr: avg(sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="cpu", unit="core", namespace!="kube-system"}) by (pod, namespace, instance)) by (pod, namespace)
        record: kubecost_savings_pod_requests_cpu_cores
      - expr: avg(sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="memory", unit="byte", namespace!="kube-system"}) by (pod, namespace, instance)) by (pod, namespace)
        record: kubecost_savings_pod_requests_memory_bytes

Update Prometheus deployment:

$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes-homelab/kubernetes/prometheus/

What’s Next?

We are going to leave Kubecost running for some time to allow it to gather metrics. We will then review the results to see if request sizing recommendations are available.

These are the on-demand plans for Amazon EC2 (correct at the time of writing):

  1. c5a.large – on-demand hourly rate $0.091 in Europe (London),
  2. m5a.large – on-demand hourly rate $0.10 in Europe (London).

A single control plane would cost $0.091*24h*30d = $65.52/month, or $196.56/month for three of them.

A single worker node would cost $0.10*24h*30d = $72.00/month, or $216.00/month for three of them.

In total, it would cost us at least $412.56/month to run this kubernetes homelab on AWS using on-demand EC2 instances (this does not include costs for storage and networking).

We’ll check what monthly cost gets reported by Kubecost.

Kubecost Findinds

This section was added on 27/11/2021.

It has been a month, and the results are finally in.

Monthly Costs

Reported monthly costs of $390 is very close to what we have estimated previously ($412).

We can see how cost is spread based on individual items. No surprise here, worker nodes are more expensive than control planes because they have more memory.

Savings and Request Sizing

Pods with over-provisioned requests are something that we should look into.

Some worker nodes are underutilised because we don’t have many/heavy Kubernetes resources deployed there.

If we were to host on AWS, we would most likely make reserved instance commitments to reduce costs. This isn’t applicable to the homelab environment unfortunatelly.

Based on request sizing recommendations, the top 5 services that would bring the most savings are: istiod, grafana, metallb speaker, wordpress and istio-proxy.

These recommendations have been addressed and changes made on GitHub.


4 thoughts on “Install Kubecost to Help Optimise Kubernetes Applications

  1. Hello Tomas thank you for everything, you have very interesting posts and I want to learn more but I do not understand English well, for which I have to use Google Translate to translate copied text. If it is possible to enable the google chrome extension TRANSLATE THIS PAGE functionality

  2. Hi
    is it possible to have a manifets to install kubecost to use the existing prometheus and grafana

    help is very much appreciated

    • Hi, yes, it is possible to use your existing Prometheus and Grafana. Have a look at the configuration provided in the article, it’s this line that you want to change in order to point Kubecost to your instance of Prometheus:

      --set global.prometheus.fqdn="http://prometheus-service.monitoring.svc:9090"

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